Thousand Flowers “Apricot Orange”



A harmonious blend of four large black teas: Ceylon, from South India, China and Darjeeling tea. Sprinkled with blueberry, lavender, jasmine, orange blossom, marigold, adorned with petals of pink.
All enhanced by a touch of orange! A delight!

SKU: 09023000DG84987 Category:


Black Tea Ceylon, -South India, -China, black tea Darjeeling, flavour, orange peels, marigold, orange blossoms, jasmine petals , rose petals, lavender, blue cornflower.

12-15 g of tea with 100 ° C boiling hot water per liter. Just leave for 3-5 minutes and enjoy.

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Availability Now available in-store at
Storgaten 28 Tønsberg 3126

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