Organic Greek Mountains



Organic Greek Mountains

Greek mountain tea is the new green tea

With an earthy taste with floral notes plus subtle hints of citrus and mint and naturally caffeine free. This magic herb with its small yellowish flowers and silvery leaves known as sideritis or shepherd tea, is a must for a healthy lifestyle.

Drinking two to three cups of mountain tea every day is thought to help prevent or fight flu symptoms and stress-related ailments such as chest infections, overwhelm, fatigue and anxiety.

Ingredients: Sideritis species

Certified organic

13-18 g of tea with 100 ° C boiling hot water is poured per litre. Just leave for 5-10 minutes and enjoy.


SKU: 12129995DG82232 Category:


Økologisk Greek Mountains Te

Å drikke to til tre kopper fjellte hver dag antas å bidra til å forhindre eller bekjempe influensasymptomer og stressrelaterte plager som brystinfeksjoner, overveldelse, tretthet og angst.

Ingredienser: Sideritis species

13-18 g te med 100 ° C kokende varmt vann helles per liter. La bare stå i 5-10 minutter og nyt.

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Availability Now available in-store at
Storgaten 28 Tønsberg 3126

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