Sweet Jasmijn “Mango Orange”



Rooibos natural, orange peels, mango pieces, natural orange flavouring, natural flavouring, marigold, cornflower blue, rose petals, apricot. Ingredients from sustainable cultivation and natural flavourings.
Certified organic!

It is a true herbal with no caffeine. Mixed with Mango and orange, this Rooibos is truely delightful!

15-20 g of tea with 100 ° C boiling hot water per liter.  Just leave for 7-10 minutes and enjoy!


SKU: 12129995DG82890 Category:


Rooibos naturell, appelsinskall, mangobiter, naturlig appelsinsmak, naturlig smakstilsetning, ringblomst, kornblomtblått, roseblader, aprikos. Ingredienser fra bærekraftig dyrking og naturlige smakstilsetninger.
Sertifisert økologisk!

15-20 g te med 100 ° C kokende varmt vann per liter. Bare la stå i 7-10 minutter og nyt.

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Storgaten 28 Tønsberg 3126

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